29 Dec 2015
17 Dec 2015
16 Dec 2015
15 Dec 2015
Responding to my Focus Group Feedback
The majority of my focus group agreed that the purple was too overpowering and made the article seem quite childish. Therefore, I decided to introduce blue into my colour scheme in order to balance it out a bit.
I changed the colour of the questions to blue and also made the standfirst blue as the white seemed slightly harsh against the black background.
Addressing a Focus Group in my Demographic
I felt that there was too much purple on the double page spread, and it seemed quite overpowering so I conducted a short, structured survey with a demographic focus group to see whether they agreed or disagreed.
Double Page Spread Stages

The first thing I did after positioning the photograph was create the running head, this ensured that my magazine had continuity and that it was clear to the reader which magazine the article belongs to. I also created a stand-first on the right hand side of the page as there would have been no other text on there otherwise. I made it slightly off white so it matches the background and also so it contrasts with the image it is placed on. I also created a heading using the same fonts as I used on the front cover to establish a house style within the magazine. I used the same fonts to create a drop cap and a pull-out quote for the same reasons.

I then created all the text to go in my article by creating an interview style conversation. I used very chatty, colloquial language to ensure I created the friendly mode of address that my demographic desired when I carried out my survey. I used two different colours to make it very clear the difference between the two speakers. I used purple and black font in able to continue the girly, fun house style I created on my front cover and contents page.
14 Dec 2015
Editing My Double Page Spread Photograph

Contents Page Improvements
- I made the right and left hand columns take up the same amount of room by aligning them with lines using the grid tool. This is because the left hand side was taking up a lot more room than the right hand side.
- I also made the picture of the boyband slightly bigger, as pictures are more visually stimulating to the reader and I believe it is important to keep a balance of the two, even though I decided to use predominantly text.
- I edited the page number slightly by making it grey and adding an outer glow to it, as when it was pink it blended in with the background a bit and couldn't really be seen.
Progression Of Contents Page

I added another section to my contents called 'ON THE COVER' which lists most of the features mentioned on the cover, this allows the reader to navigate throughout the magazine and makes it clear where all the articles are in the magazine. I followed the exact same process as I did when creating the 'FEATURES' column to make sure they were identical to create a professional brand identity and to make it very easy to navigate throughout.
Although adding this much text goes against my survey, I believe it was necessary as it didn't provide very much information to the reader about the contents of the magazine.
10 Dec 2015
Addition of Pictures to my Contents Page
I added the pictures that I cropped to my contents page in the appropriate position and I also added a picture that I took at a concert at the bottom to add a variety of images, making it appeal to more people.
Editing Contents Page Pictures
I edited this photograph of my cover star for my contents page by using the magic eraser tool and the eraser tool to remove the background
I edited this picture in the same way so I could layer this picture over a background. I used the magnetic lasso tool on some of this picture as the edges contrasted well with the background.
Creating My First Contents Page Draft
1. The first thing I did was create a title saying 'CONTENTS' to make it clear to the reader what the page is. I also added a running head to make it clear what magazine it is, and also to establish a house style throughout the magazine. This was also achieved by the continuation of the purple and pink colour scheme that follows on from the front cover.
I used the text tool to create these headings

I used the rectangle tool to create the boxes that make up the columns of the magazine

I used the rectangle tool to create the boxes that make up the columns of the magazine

2. I also added some boxes to create a structure and rough layer on the contents page. I coloured them to match the colour scheme of the magazine which creates a professional brand identity. I changed the layout from my draft sketches as I felt this layout combined all three and allowed me to provide a lot more information, as the pictures don't take up as much space.
3. I added some features using a variety of page numbers to replicate the length of an average magazine. I used a variety of fonts that were also used on the front cover to make it follow the same house style.
9 Dec 2015
Contents Pictures
Following the same process as I did to take my feature article photo, I took photos of my cover star for my contents page:
Front Cover Tweaks
- I made the word 'includes' bolder as that plug didn't stand out very much and it made it more eye-catching
- I changed the plugs that are flush down the right hand side of the page slightly so they don't stick out onto the feature article photograph as much, this makes the magazine more conventional.
- I made the first letter of Amy's name slightly bigger to draw attention to it.
- I moved some of the text in from the edge of the page slightly so it was all in line and also so it doesn't look like it goes off the edge of the page.
4 Dec 2015
Initial Front Cover Analysis
Feature Article Photograph:
The use of eye contact in the feature article photograph makes it seem a lot friendly, giving the magazine and relaxed tone, which my demographic desired in my survey. It also ensures the cover star does not look intimidating or superior to the reader. I constructed the image to appeal to my demographic by putting a fair amount of makeup on her, this makes her look well put together and therefore encouraging the audience to idolise her and find her appealing. The fact she is smiling, reiterates the friendly, welcoming tone I was trying to portray when constructing the magazine.
I think that the bright pink colour of the masthead is affective as it really stands out on the page and is probably the second thing the customer would see, which is ideal. Additionally, the pink colour appeals to my demographic as my magazine is aimed at 80% females, and pink is a stereotypical girly colour. I have stuck to convention with the masthead as it is a very important feature when selling a magazine, and therefore it is best to chose something that would be familiar to the readers.
The puff is quite long which is slightly unconventional as it isn't a short snappy phrase, however, I believe it still successfully boosts the magazines status as it uses words such as "ultimate".
Cover lines:
The cover lines stand out on the page as they are central and larger than the plugs, this makes it very clear to the reader that they link to the picture allowing them to establish an understanding about what to expect inside the magazine.
I have integrated the plugs on the front cover so they interlink with the silhouette of the feature article photograph. I made sure none of the plugs obstructed the view of her face as it would take away the 3D effect of the cover star, and also make it look slightly unprofessional.
I selected very informal language for the cover lines and plugs, I believe this successful created a chatty and friendly mode of address which is what I was aiming to achieve. I also used a few alliterative phrases which made it overall more memorable as the phrases would be more impactful to the reader.
I selected very informal language for the cover lines and plugs, I believe this successful created a chatty and friendly mode of address which is what I was aiming to achieve. I also used a few alliterative phrases which made it overall more memorable as the phrases would be more impactful to the reader.
Front Cover Improvements
- I changed the masthead by removing the stroke as I believe it was a prominent enough feature, and that the masthead made it look slightly childish.
- I got rid of the bullet points in the plug of the left as they made it look more cluttered and unorganised, also they are not conventional as they are not normally used in plugs.
- I made the cover line slightly bigger as it wasn't a very prominent feature of the page and I wanted to make it very clear that it was the cover line relating to the feature article photograph.
- I also made the word "advice" on the plug smaller as it was the same size as the cover line, making it look cluttered and making it confusing which one was the actual cover line.
- I raised the cover line slightly so it was higher up and covered more of the space, this got rid of the excess negative space and also made sure that it was very obvious.
- I made the barcode slightly smaller as it was unnecessarily big and took up quite a large proportion of the page.
- I added a date to the front cover, which made it easier for the user to know exactly which issue of the magazine it was, this is a convention on the majority of mainstream magazines.
- I also made some of the plugs smaller as they looked the same as the cover lines and made it slightly confusing and clutter, contrasting with my laid-back, relaxed mode of address.
24 Nov 2015
Responding to my Focus Group Feedback
Following my focus group survey, I decided to change my colour scheme to pink and purple, as it is more feminine and therefore appealing to my demographic. Additionally, I feel it fits in better with a pop genre, as the colours connote innocence and youth, as well as being a lot less threatening than red and blue, as they are a lot more harsh.
Demographic Focus Group
Despite my survey results, I felt my front cover seemed too masculine for my predominantly female demographic and therefore I conducted a short structured interview with a focus group of members of my demographic to see what their opinions were.
The majority of the focus group agreed that the magazine seemed rather masculine and didn't link very well with the pop genre. Additionally, they felt it did not create a chatty, friendly tone as it looked quite serious.
Creating My First Draft
Firstly I positioned my masthead at the top of the page as this is conventional, and therefore will be when the audience look to see it. I also chose to make it take up approximately 1/5 of the page as it is a very prominent feature, and often a selling point for what is in the rest of the magazine. I believe this will appeal to my demographic as it is a bright, fun colour and stands out.

The puff the I chose to include was "THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO THE NEWEST TUNES:HOT OFF THE CHARTS" as I believe it fulfils its role of promoting the magazine and boosting its status, as well as having a fun, current tone and a friendly, exciting mode of address.
I inserted my edited feature article photo onto the page using the 'place embedded' tool as it allowed me to make it it's own layer. I positioned in so her face was central which made it look professional and drew attention to it. This positioning also allowed me to have plenty of space along the sides for plugs.
I then created these cover lines which provide information about the cover star and make it clear to the reader who she is, and what the article about her includes. I chose to make these red and blue and in the same typography as the masthead to establish a house style. Additionally, I made the pull quote a handwriting style typography to add personality to it, making it seem more authentic.
I chose to incorporate blue as it complimented the red well and was more exciting and interesting than using black or white
I then added a variety of plugs which promote the contents of the magazine and allow the audience to see very clearly what is inside the magazine. I used the same fonts as I did in the puff and masthead to establish a professional, neat house style and also made them red, blue and monochrome to fit in with the colour scheme of the rest of the front cover. My demographic wanted a chatty, informal tone and I believe having lots of short plugs will create this, additionally this busy, chatty style would be interested in these plugs as they resemble a gossip magazine and my demographic are interested in celebrity culture and lifestyle as well as the actual music.

The puff the I chose to include was "THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO THE NEWEST TUNES:HOT OFF THE CHARTS" as I believe it fulfils its role of promoting the magazine and boosting its status, as well as having a fun, current tone and a friendly, exciting mode of address.
I inserted my edited feature article photo onto the page using the 'place embedded' tool as it allowed me to make it it's own layer. I positioned in so her face was central which made it look professional and drew attention to it. This positioning also allowed me to have plenty of space along the sides for plugs.
I then created these cover lines which provide information about the cover star and make it clear to the reader who she is, and what the article about her includes. I chose to make these red and blue and in the same typography as the masthead to establish a house style. Additionally, I made the pull quote a handwriting style typography to add personality to it, making it seem more authentic.
I chose to incorporate blue as it complimented the red well and was more exciting and interesting than using black or white
I then added a variety of plugs which promote the contents of the magazine and allow the audience to see very clearly what is inside the magazine. I used the same fonts as I did in the puff and masthead to establish a professional, neat house style and also made them red, blue and monochrome to fit in with the colour scheme of the rest of the front cover. My demographic wanted a chatty, informal tone and I believe having lots of short plugs will create this, additionally this busy, chatty style would be interested in these plugs as they resemble a gossip magazine and my demographic are interested in celebrity culture and lifestyle as well as the actual music.
Analysis of my Feature Article Photograph
When taking the photo, I decided to have the cover star making eye contact with the camera as it makes her seem relatable and interested, and ensures that she doesn't seem superior. I also decided the have it very well lit to make her completely visible, meaning that she doesn't seem intimidating or daunting. I had one soft box studio light, lighting up a white background to make it very vibrant, as well and two soft box lights lighting her from in-front to make sure there are no harsh shadows on her face. I held the camera just below the highest light so that it didn't distort the image at all. Additionally, I made sure that the flash was on, to provide as much light as possible. I chose to position the cover star so she was looking over her shoulder as it suggested that she was laid back and relaxed, while still being well put together.
Editing my Feature Article Photograph
To cut around the picture I used the magnetic lasso tool as it enabled me to achieve an accurate, precise finish. However, to make it slightly less obvious that the image had been cropped I used the blur tool and set it to a low intensity, to make the edges less harsh and the cropping more subtle. I changed her hairline very slightly, to achieve a more sleek looking hairstyle, as I aiming to present a look that encourages the reader to idolise the cover star, by making her very put together and made up. I also enhanced the make up she had on by intensifying the colours by increasing the saturation slightly, this made her seem very glamorous and makes it clear to the reader that she cares about her appearance/the way she is portrayed. Finally, I used the blemish tool to get rid of any imperfections on her face which allowed me to create a flawless finish on her skin.
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