1 Nov 2015

Q Magazine - Double Page Spread Analysis

This double page article is a segment in Q magazine that features a different artist every month, this conveys that the magazine is very structured and has an informative and formal mode of address.

There is a running head in the top left hand corner, which is unconventional as it takes up about a quarter of the page, however, it still fulfils its purpose of being an introduction to/summary of the article. It includes the magazines logo to make the reader familiar with it and the remind them of the sophisticated style of the magazine. It follows a colour scheme which mirrors the house style of the magazine, reiterating how professional it is. The typography is varied, conveying that this type of music appeals to a variety of people, which adds personality and depth to it. It also uses the phrase "If it matters. It's here." which highlights the contents' importance to the reader, as well as being persuasive, additionally, it is capitalised to draw attention to it and to make it more readable. The red background also makes it stand out and very eye catching as it is very prominent.

The headline of the article is placed beneath the running head, and unconventionally takes up a small amount of space. The typography of the headline is a very basic sans serif font, which despite being simplistic, creates a contemporary tone. The headline is an alliterative phrase making it more memorable to the reader. Also it shows that it is very well thought through, reiterating the professional mode of address the company is portraying.

The article uses a standfirst to provide some information to the reader about the band that the article focusses on. It is written in a bright red font which is stimulating, connoting that the article is intellectual, therefore revealing that it is aimed towards a well-educated demographic. The red font also contrasts with the background, ensuring that it is legible.

The photograph takes up the majority of the page, which allows the reader to connect with the artist and provides a visual stimulant. The picture used is a candid long shot which allows the reader to see all of the subjects body, while they are performing on stage. The use of a long shot suggests that in the article they are fully exposed and what we learn about them mirrors what we an see of them. A few extra pictures are included at the top as fillers, which fill negative space and also allow the reader to connect with the artist more.

A pull-out quote is used in the article to highlight a significant point, drawing the readers attention to it. It is effective as it allows the reader to get a vague feeling of what the artist is like, and what the tone of the interview is, before actually reading it.

Finally, a drop cap is used at the start of the main text in the article to draw attention to it, enticing the reader to look at it and them read on.

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